Video Interview with Cesar Galindo, Director of Gringa

Cesar Galindo, director and co-writer of feature film GRINGA, set in Cuzco and Machu Picchu,Perú, spoke to us about what inspired him to create a dark comedy on the relationship between bricheros and gringas. “Brichero”, a term which GRINGA’s co-writer Mario Guevara contributed to the Peruvian literature, stands for “gringa hunter”, where “gringa” is the colloquial word for “foreign tourist”. Galindo also explains how “bricherismo” is a life style, typically encountered in the world’s tourist places. More on this phenomenon, as well as exclusive footage from movie GRINGA, in the video interview below.

Enjoy yourselves!


Video Release! Check Out the Cheerleaders in the Upcoming American Burger!

… the cheerleaders in the upcoming American Burger horror comedy are just about everything you need to see to sweeten your day! Plus, you also get an extra glimpse of the evilly delicious American Burger… The videos are available on Youtube or the official American Burger website. Dont forget to visit the American Burger website for the latest news and special fan deliveries! This week’s special is the downloads section, which entitles your desktop to its right to awesomeness. The Cheeleaders and the Nerds are there to lift your screen in its highest spirits!

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