Direct film sales from our website!

Powered by VHX LittleBig Productions have now started sales of some of their films directly from the company website and Facebook! First out are feature GRINGA by Cesar Galindo and documentaries SÁMI NIEIDA JOJK  (Sami Daughter Yoik) and KIRUNA – RYMDVÄGEN (Kiruna – Space Road) by Liselotte Wajstedt.

Other titles will follow, stay tuned! Take a look!

Video Interview with Cesar Galindo, Director of Gringa

Cesar Galindo, director and co-writer of feature film GRINGA, set in Cuzco and Machu Picchu,Perú, spoke to us about what inspired him to create a dark comedy on the relationship between bricheros and gringas. “Brichero”, a term which GRINGA’s co-writer Mario Guevara contributed to the Peruvian literature, stands for “gringa hunter”, where “gringa” is the colloquial word for “foreign tourist”. Galindo also explains how “bricherismo” is a life style, typically encountered in the world’s tourist places. More on this phenomenon, as well as exclusive footage from movie GRINGA, in the video interview below.

Enjoy yourselves!


Upcoming interview with director Cesar Galindo. On Gringas, bricheros and future productions

Are you interested in the Peruvian culture? Do you know what a “brichero” stands for, without googling it? We will give you a small hint: that who lures gringas/gringos. We invite you to follow our news blog over the days to come to get your share of genuine insights into what some call “the cultural ambassadors of Peru”.

Film director Cesar Galindo will be in our office tomorrow, Dec 7th, to discuss Gringa (2010), the film that depicts the story of a young brichero in search of a way out of poverty. Gringa is available for renting or purchasing

Stay tuned and engage with us in the comments section!